Monday, May 22, 2017

Bend 1 Session 8 (Research)

Session 8: Research- Gathering Specific Information and Gathering Meaning


Think about a time when you had to do scavenger hunt and you had a list of items to collect.  Or a time you went grocery shopping and had a list of items to buy.  How did you read those lists? Hopefully, you are envisioning what it feels like to read with specific needs in mind. 

Teaching Point:

Today I want to teach you that when you want to construct information texts that are built with a variety of precise bits of information, it helps to read with an eye toward collecting all those different kinds of information.

Think about the writing you have done so far.  Your writing plan should tell you the sorts of information you will need to collect.  But, you also want to keep in mind the point that you want to make.  


If you are aiming to show that the problem of girls being denied an education is something that crosses many continents, and you examples all come from one vicinity, you'll be looking for examples from other parts of the world.  

*When the writer knows the central idea he is advancing, the writer can be selective reader.  

Active Engagement: 

Continue to research and draft.  Your goal is to have 3 chapters completed, in draft form.  

  • Use Power Learning and Note-Taking Chart 
  • Collect more research making sure to read with an eye for the information you need
  • Think about the logistics of your note-taking- how will you organize your information so that you can just plop your notes right into the draft you already began (and into the plans for yet more drafts) Ex: You could number notes according to which paragraph you will put them in
  • Think of what structure you will use in your paragraphs (ex: compare/contrast) refer to handout
  • Researchers always carry a healthy amount of suspicion as they read sources- make sure your sources are reputable 
  • Use transition words-refer to handout
  • Use information writing checklist


Do some of your own thinking...sometimes it works to add a little thinking to each bit of research you collect.  You can simply write:
  • This is important because...
  • This makes me wonder why...
  • This connects to...


Teach someone about your topic.  This will help you to get a good handle on the content and talking about what you've learned is helpful.  


Revise your draft of chapter 3.  


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